Have you ever been invited to review a design in Figma and Figjam only to find you’re quickly asking yourself “Wait, whose the user in this flow?” ‘What is the user trying to achieve?”

We’ve created a widget that works in Figma and Figjam that allows you to share your user stories across your designs and brainstorming sessions and keep the maps centralized in Personify.

What you’ll need

Create a free Personify account to write stories to map the journey of a persona with one simple framework.

How it works

  1. Create personas, roles, and stories in Personify.
  2. Copy and paste the link from Personify into the Figma widget.
  3. Place the widget next to your designs to present the user narrative.

Try it out for yourself

Learn more about how to use this widget with your team and try it out for yourself in this playground file.